Around the world, March 8th marks International Women's Day (IWD), which celebrates the economic, political and social achievements of women. This year's theme, #BreakTheBias, looks to raise awareness against bias and take action for equality.
Whether deliberate or unconscious, bias makes it difficult for women to move ahead. Knowing that bias exists isn’t enough, action is needed to level the playing field.
BIANKO is a female-founded and female-led brand, built on supporting, empowering and connecting women, and through our ongoing initiatives we strive to raise awareness of the struggles faced by women globally and locally.
This IWD at BIANKO, we pledge to actively call out gender bias, discrimination and stereotyping each time we are met with it. We also want to celebrate IWD by recognising the brave and bold women who have inspired each of us throughout our lives. Below is a selection of the fearless women that have influenced our team in more ways than one!
Belinda Madonini - BIANKO Founder
I draw inspiration from the wonderful women that surround me but specifically women in business. I love meeting fellow female business owners and learning from them. Every time I meet a female business owner, I walk away from the conversation feeling alive and invigorated. It’s inspiring to see what women can achieve in business whilst often juggling family life at home.
There’s no reason we can’t do it all and do an awesome job at it too. Special shout outs go to Kat Furey from PALM, Tessa-Jay from Onetwo Agency, Mina Imsi from Imsi Creative, Ellise Richards from Bambii B who I all know personally and am continually inspired by. I also love following the journeys of Jo Horgan (Mecca), Melanie Perkins (Canva), Jess Sepel (JS Health), Michelle Battersby (Sunroom) and Jane Lu (Showpo) - just to name a few Australian female entrepreneurs that are killing it in the business world!
Mina Imsi - Marketing Consultant - Imsi Creative
I am consistently in awe of the women I meet, who continue to thrive despite the gender-based disparities they face every single day. I am incredibly lucky to be surrounded by women who are changing the world in big ways and small. Meet the women that have given me drive and purpose below:
My sister, Dina Ward - Head of Diversity and Inclusion, BUPA. Dina taught me everything I know about equality, diversity and inclusion. She lives and breaths her passion and educates people every single day on improving gender diversity in the workplace and removing unconscious bias in the hiring processes.
My friend, Laura Henshaw - CEO, Keep It Cleaner. And incredible woman, who continually challenges herself while empowering those around her. Laura inspires me as her motivation and drive have never gotten in the way of her authenticity and passion to help other women and change the health and fitness landscape one healthy habit at a time.
My colleague, Belinda Madonini - Founder and Director, BIANKO. I was so lucky to cross paths with Belinda and to work with a woman who has become a friend and has stayed so true to her mission. Her ability to constantly see the bigger picture and push herself outside of her comfort zone while not losing focus of her why is incredibly inspiring. She has used the reach of her brand to raise awareness of important issues and give back to underprivileged communities and she continually strives to connect with her customers and adapt to their needs.
Caroline Criado Perez - Author and Feminist Campaigner. I was gifted Caroline's book, Invisible Women, a book that exposes the gender data gap, a gap in our knowledge that is at the root of perpetual, systemic discrimination against women. This is a man’s world, we learn, because those who built it didn’t take gender differences into account, and it is a book that has sparked so many important conversations in my life on topics that demand urgent attention. Carolines work changes the way I see the world and empowers me to fight for equality more than ever.
Paige Tuzee - Graphic Designer
I am inspired by the women in my family:
MUM - We had a tough 2021 with family health, and despite the hardships mum continued to have a positive attitude. Her cool, calm and collected approach made even the worst situations feel more tolerable and bearable. An inspiration to me and my family.
COURTNEY (older sister) - She recently started a new job in a tough industry and I am continually impressed and inspired at how she conducts herself and the drive to pursue such a challenging job to begin with. It is inspiring to watch her make a difference.
BIANCA (younger sister) - As a fellow creative I have so much admiration for her work and her creative outlook on life. Continually inspiring me with her eye for detail and minimal aesthetic.
Bianca Tuzee - Photographer / Creative
The women that inspire me are the women in my family and the women I surround myself with. They're women who are independent, work their way through life with purpose and most importantly, they're authentically themselves. ❤️
Samara Cowie - Social Media, Creative
I find it inspiring when women are authentically themselves, those who follow their passions and goals regardless of the 'what-ifs', and who strive to be the best version of them, not anyone else. Women who aren't afraid to go against 'society norms' or what is 'expected of them'.
My mum completely changed her career at age 55 and studied to become a qualified nutritionist, something she had been passionate about for years while working in childcare. Having no fear, or feeling the fear and doing it anyway regardless of age, gender, lifestyle, location - or any other perceived reason to hold you back - I think is very inspiring.
Coralie de Robillard - Designer, Creative
This IWD we would love to learn about who inspires you or how you plan to #breakthebias so don't forget to share it with us @_bianko