The NEW Ring Stack

Allow us to begin by clarifying that stacking rings is no new trend! We've seen everything from chunky statement style rings on every second finger, to tens of mismatched rings being spread across the hand. The trend we're talking about is the latest and greatest understated one. The magic of stacking finer rings. 

Too few and you can't call it a stack, too many, or the wrong mix, and you risk looking like a child who’s come across a dress-up box.

Forget about the statement ring

While statement rings are great when worn alone, you need to keep them far away from your stacked look, unless you're looking to give off some 2010 vibes. The new ring stack is all about playing with finer and daintier looking pieces to add a little sparkle to each digit.

If you're looking for a more low-key day-to-day look, choose 2 fingers and 3-4 rings that you want to play with. Feel free to do this on each hand. The beauty of using finer rings is that it won't look OTT if you do.

For a flashier and more playful vibe, feel free to go up to 5 rings on a single hand, but always remember to keep one finger completely free. Our shoreline rings make the perfect stacking companion with their asymmetric shapes and differing boldness. 

Ease off other jewellery

This is our parting advice! Leave wrists bare for maximum impact and opt for just a single necklace that matches your ring theme in some way. Feel free to go wild with your earrings though as they add the perfect high/low balance.

We love seeing how you style your BIANKO pieces so don't forget to tag us if you create your own ring stack! @_bianko #biankojewellery


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